Friday, October 06, 2006

Inauguration of the Ismet Siral Creative Music Studio in Istanbul

Dost Kip seems to have really pulled it off. (See my February 8 posting, below.)

In July of this year, there was a major event in Istanbul at what has come to be called the Ismet Siral Creative Music Studio (see It featured many Woodstock luminaries (Karl Berger, Ingrid Sertso, Steve Gorn, John Lindberg, Tani Tabbal, Marilyn Crispell), old CMS friends (Trilok Gurtu, Henry Grimes, Carlos Ward), and several of Turkey's reigning improvisational masters.

Sounds like the good old days (read the book Music Universe, Music Mind).

Francesco Matinelli has a very nice account of the event at the All About Jazz site (see ).